Connecting Python and JS with launchpy 0.3.5

Hello world, On this blog post, I am just posting a video to demonstrate the new capabalities of the launchpy where you can connect your JavaScript development with your python tool more easily than ever. getRuleComponent I know it is strange but there wasn’t any proper easy method to actually request a single ruleComponent before.This…

aanalytics2 – v0.2.5

Hello world,On this article, I wanted to come back on some of the update that have been made for the aanalytics2 python module.Because there was so much news on that release, I felt that it deserved its own blog post and I took also the opportunity to do new videos in order to refreh the…

Creating Campaigns Cost in Adobe Analytics

Hello world,on this blog post, I would like to share an idea that I had recently (but never been tested in the field) about creating / importing the costs of campaigns in Adobe Analytics. Not Genesis, not classification As discussing cost import with other consultants, this idea is not very new and there are (were)…

Audience Manager Python Wrapper

Hello everyone, As some of you may have noticed on twitter, I have released recently an audience manager python SDK. As usual, this wrapper helps you to call the different Audience Manager API endpoints and you would need a JWT integration to connect to it. You can find the module on my github account and…

Launchpy Videos Tutorial

This article is gathering the different videos that I have realized to show you the capability of launchpy, the python wrapper for Adobe Launch API. I tried to do shorter videos than the adobe analytics API videos tutorial, more of them but they each cover a smaller subject. The quality is not optimal yet but…

Python Tutorials for Adobe Analytics API 2.0

Hello, This blog post is gathering all of the videos that I have realized regarding the Adobe Analytics API 2.0 tutorial using my python wrapper. The python wrapper that I have developed can be installed using the pip command: pip install aanalytics2 More information can be found on my blog, or on Github. In case…

Analytics API 2.0 Wrapper Update

Hello, on this post I will explain the major update that happen on the wrapper for the Adobe Analytics API 2.0 that I have on my github. This should be brief but it is better if I document it and here it is. Why the update ? The update happened because as a Consultant you…

Conversational Python

On this post, I want to give a quick intro on how you can get familiar with python terminology and logic so you can jump into python developer discussions without being completely lost. This blog post came from discussions with some people trying to get started with python and were wondering what are the knowledge…

Adobe Analytics API 2.0 : Video Tutorial

This is a very short article as it will embed a video that I did in order to show you the way that the API works for Adobe Analytics and what are the global capabilities. I didn’t detail everything though, I will let you play with it. 😉 In this video, I show you :…

Adobe Analytics API 2.0 : Reporting

EDIT : MAJOR UPDATEThe reporting functionality has been moved to the instance of the Analytics class. The method is the same but you will need to instantiate an Analytics class with your companyId before that. Starter guide here : As I was explaining in the my previous article on the Analytics API 2.0, the…