Data Architecture for CJA admin

In this article, I would like to introduce some concepts that I think are needed when you work with CJA. For legacy reasons, organizations or people tend to think that the CJA Admin or CJA users do not need to learn Data Architecture. It is true that for a long time analytics tools were “easy”,…

XDM : 6 Common mistakes to avoid

One key element of Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) is its schema definition. If you have set that up correctly, there is a big chance that you will avoid many pitfalls and problems down the line when using AEP. However, as I am starting to work with clients that either did not follow recommendations, or did…

aepp on

Hello world, On today blog post, I am taking the opportunity to review the recent change for the aepp python module package. It is now part of the Adobe official repo for Open Source projects. aepp on The aepp module package that wraps the Adobe Experience Platform API endpoints into easy and parameterize methods…

XDM Schemas: The ultimate guide

I have been working with Adobe Experience Platform for some years now, being one of the first to be trained and got complex implementation project as Data Architect for Adobe Experience Platform clients. I learned many things over the years but never had opportunity to share any of my knowledge because of 2 things: Nowadays,…

Simple Object Manager

Hello world, I am coming back with a new idea for the analytics community and I looking for feedback and help to make a library helper for you. What is the Simple Object Manager ? The Simple Object Manager is a JavaScript library that would help on the implementation of the AEP Web SDK and…

Customer Journey Analytics – 2021 status

Hello world, I have been quite silent on the analytics front over the last months. Several reasons can explain it but one big reason is that I moved to a new role supporting the Adobe Experience Platform deployment as a consultant. Working on a brand new tool is always bringing a lot of excitement but…

Moving to AEP Web SDK in 2021

Hello world, It has been a while since I have written on the implementation side. I spent most of my last year learning the new rope of Adobe Experience Platform and the solution is quite a beast in itself. It is evolving fast and many that have written on it needed to change their text…