Launch API

Launchpy Videos Tutorial

This article is gathering the different videos that I have realized to show you the capability of launchpy, the python wrapper for Adobe Launch API.

I tried to do shorter videos than the adobe analytics API videos tutorial, more of them but they each cover a smaller subject. The quality is not optimal yet but I am doing this from personal computer, I hope you don’t mind.

At the end, you can still go to the documentation, either on the blog or on Github.

Introduction to Launch & API

This video is covering the introduction to Launch and gives you information on the different terms to know on Launch before starting the tutorial on the API.

Starting with launchpy

This video will guide you on your first step on the launchpy usage. How to install and use the library at the beginning.
The very first steps for you to use launchpy efficiently.

UPDATE: In 2021, I have updated the architecture of the module and therefore the default starting methods have been changed. I did a new video and here it is:

The rest of the module has not changed so you can watch the other videos, with being aware of that change.

original version

Retrieve Elements with launchpy

This video shows you maybe the most important usage of the Adobe Launch API by retrieving information out of the API and how you can save them on your computer.

Retrieving RuleComponents with launchpy

Rule Components are elements a bit hidden in the Launch implementation are they are located within a rule. They are their own identities and we will see how to retrieve them.

Want to download your custom code directly on your computer to work on it ?
Follow the tutorial below.

Creating Elements with launchpy

The Adobe Launch API can also help you to create some elements without login to Adobe interface. It is faster and if you want to programatically iterate over that process it is possible.

The tutorial starts here

it is followed by a short video demo on how to create the Adobe Analytics Extension inside your property.

Manage Libraries with launchpy

The last video of the tutorial series will be about releasing your change on your launch property. We will see that with this video and how you can manage your library directly with python and the Adobe Launch API.

I hope all of these videos will be useful to you.
Don’t hesitate to leave a like or a comment on the videos 😉

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