Launchpy – Synchronizer

Hello world, It has been a long time since I have published a blog post, but even more so for the Launch API wrapper, called launchpy. (I checked and most of the videos are from 2019, only 3 in the past 3 years). Therefore, I will recap what the launchpy module is, how it works…

Launch : Analyzing large implementation

Hello world, recently I had a mission to analyze the Launch implementation of a client. The main concern was, as usual, the website team complains that Launch uses a lot of resources and is blocking the rendering of the page. Also, the Launch library is quite large and that it should be optimized. As I…

The Event Driven Data Layer revolution

Hello world, This article is coming quite late into the game, because a lot of things have already been said or done with Event Driven Data Layer (EDDL). Lots of questions have been asked and the community has been going quite wild on this for some months (a year now?) on this topic. If you…

Functional Programming in Launch

Event-Driven Data Layer The start of that new idea was the implementation of the event-driven data layer for one of the client. This new approach, that has been discussed many times by Jim Gordon, was considered by the client. The question that comes when you use this approach is the way that you will deal…

Creating Adobe Launch Extension : Other features

On this article, I will explain some addition features that are integrated within the creation of your Launch extension. Those features are less developed in our case because they don’t require a lot of customization usually. You can, obviously, develop these features into more advanced use-cases but this is not a must to know and…

Creating Adobe Launch Extension : Shared Modules

On this article we will cover the sharedModules functionality. This part is the most hidden functionality of the Launch Extension, not because it wants to stay hidden but because it is mostly not getting anything directly from the Launch product team. This functionality is only interesting if the users (developers to be exact) are sharing…

Creating Adobe Launch Extension : Action Module

On this article, I will focus on explaining the action module, and how to create actions module within your own Adobe Launch Extension. Actions in Launch Action are the actual code deliver by the Tag Management system and it will perform once the event has been triggered and the condition is fulfilled. An action can…