Steps to realize a data analysis

The 3 steps to realize a proper data analysis Language to choose for Data Analyst Language to choose for Data Analyst When we are talking about Data Analyst we can use very different languages in order to realize the tasks that are going to be necessary for the analysis. In general, three different steps come in every…

The author

To Introduce myself : I am a 30 something guy that loves about data analysis. That is the good starting point here 😉 Other than that, I have done marketing studies and as I started in my first companies, opportunities were given to me in order to tend towards more technical subject. Bit by bit,…

why did I choose python

Why Python as programming language ? I have been asked multiple time why did I chose python when I started to do programming. Let’s be honest here, I am no developer. I come from marketing study, online marketing but I never had programming  classes during my studies. I even though that doing Vlookup in Excel…

Click Tracking

Adobe Analytics – Click tracking Every one of you may know the custom link tracking used by Adobe Analytics. Ready to use click tracking First of all, by default, you have the possibility to track all the link that go to an external website. This is based in your JS file that is loaded in every page.…

Web Analyst vs Data Analyst

How do you become a Digital / Web Analyst ? For me they are both the same but for some people it is quite different as there is also smartphone. It is obvious for me that when you work on online website analytics, you are going to get an interest on the Mobile Analytics as…