Adobe IO : User Management : Other functionalities

This article will focus on all of the other functionalities available through the pyaum python module. Those miscellaneous functionalities are helper around the main methods of this library. Set Test Environment At some point when using the API, you may want to test the creation and removing of the users through the API without actually…

Adobe IO : User Management : User Group Class

This article will focus on the groupHandler class that is incorporated in this module. This class is important as it will enable you to control the membership within each class. As explained in the article about User Groups and Product Profile, you can manage your users within the Product Profiles or with User Groups for…

Adobe IO : User Management : Retrieve Information.

On this post I will explain the different method available for retrieving information on your account. The module provides 2 functions to retrieve information on your account. This article will be short but those 2 methods are the most important ones, so they deserved their own post. function retrieveInfos This function enables you to retrieve…

Adobe IO : User Management : Configuration

This post will be focus on the configuration that needs to be set up for your module to be able to work completely. The module works with a JSON file that will keep track of your different credential for the usage of Adobe IO. You should have realized the first steps described on this article…

Adobe IO : User Management : Introduction

The content of this series of articles is not to re-write the good step by step explanation that is provided from Adobe. Guide here. What I tried to achieve is creating a python module that can help you to easily connect and realize user management actions on a scale that is not manageable through the…

Adobe IO : JWT authentication with Python

On this article, I will guide you to create an JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication for Adobe. My example will be based on the Admin Console, the user management, because this is one of the few that are supporting the JWT authentication at the moment. Everything that is going to be explained now is a…