Cart Abandon in Customer Journey Analytics

Hello everyone, it has been a while and I decided to write this article based on the little information there is out there on this topic. As I was working to build such a filter in Customer Journey Analytics, I wanted to confirm the logic I have been working on with some peers. However, I…

Data Architecture for CJA admin

In this article, I would like to introduce some concepts that I think are needed when you work with CJA. For legacy reasons, organizations or people tend to think that the CJA Admin or CJA users do not need to learn Data Architecture. It is true that for a long time analytics tools were “easy”,…

cjapy : Video Tutorials

Hello world, In this blog post, I would like to guide you on how to get started with the Adobe Customer Journey Analytics API with Python. I know that even if it makes your life easier, you still need to use python and that may be a bit daunting, therefore I created these videos to…

Customer Journey Analytics API – cjapy

Hello world, Today is the day of an expected article related to the Customer Journey Analytics API. Customer Journey Analytics is the future of analysis with the Adobe tool stack, it has the same main interface than Adobe Analytics but with more powerful features. There are many things that would push you to have Customer…

Customer Journey Analytics – 2021 status

Hello world, I have been quite silent on the analytics front over the last months. Several reasons can explain it but one big reason is that I moved to a new role supporting the Adobe Experience Platform deployment as a consultant. Working on a brand new tool is always bringing a lot of excitement but…