The incoming Adobe Experience Platform

This article is a preview intro of the newest solution from Adobe, the Adobe Experience Platform. This tool is going to be released end 2019 and is quite promising so I thought that it deserves its own article as a preview. If you have followed the different article release about Experience Platform, you may not…

Adobe Analytics API 2.0 : Explanation

On this article, I will try to clarify the use-cases and how to use the Adobe Analytics API 2.0. There has been quite some misunderstanding on how to use this API and to be fairly honest, quite some deception about the API capabilities, at least for my side. Adobe Analytics API 2.0 Context As a…

Adobe IO : User Management : Configuration

This post will be focus on the configuration that needs to be set up for your module to be able to work completely. The module works with a JSON file that will keep track of your different credential for the usage of Adobe IO. You should have realized the first steps described on this article…

Adobe Admin Console – Groups & Profiles

This blog post will deal with the Admin console profiles and group set up. I will try to explain how theses exactly work together and how you should actually set them up. When you are managing a company with Adobe products, you used to have your management rights directly within your tool, be it Analytics,…