You have to Try this

Try {} to Catch(){} me if you can I didn’t go crazy with the characters, quite the opposite as on this post I would like to introduce a best practice that web analytics developer should really develop.I really hope that this post will be the start of this best practice as I find this very…

Server-side Tracking – data discrepancy

Data discrepancy: How do you end it? The impossible solution to discrepancy For a long time I have been facing, and probably most of you too, with the problem of discrepancy on data. Not general discrepancy as this is something that is really hard to avoid, but especially on one of your key metrics. Let…

Tag Management: good idea or not?

Tag Management Tool for Data Analyst is this a good idea for your company or your department ? The issue: The missing data As Data Analyst, I am often seeing the case that we are missing some data for a proper analysis. In a perfect world, we would track everything that is necessary directly when…